Code of Conduct - our compass for a responsible future | 01-24-2024
vytvořil: Sabrina

Armaturenwerk Hötensleben GmbH recently published its "Code of Conduct". The code reflects our values and stands for integrity, transparency and social responsibility. Everyone who works for us or interacts with us plays a crucial role in implementing these values.
The Code of Conduct acts as a guide for our daily actions and reflects our commitment to an ethical corporate culture. It sets out clear principles that will influence not only our internal processes, but also our relationships with customers, partners and the community.
Our aim is to create a working environment characterized by respect, fairness and collaboration. We are convinced that this is the key to sustainable success. Therefore, we invite you to read our Code of Conduct and be part of this journey. Join us as we work together to bring about positive change and create a corporate culture that we can all be proud of.
Discover our Code of Conduct HERE and shape a responsible future with us!