Special order


Experience the benefits of special orders! If you require individual items that are not listed in the online shop, our "Special orders" online service offers you the opportunity to send an item inquiry or order.

Simply fill out a form with the required information such as supplier number, article number, description, quantity, order unit and price/order unit. Our AWH customer advisors will then prepare a customized quotation or order. They will be in direct contact with you if they have any queries.

The advantages of the "Special orders" function at a glance:

  • Individual article procurement: You can request or order special articles that are not available in the online shop to meet your individual requirements.

  • Simple form: Filling out the form with the relevant information is straightforward and enables clear communication.

  • Personal advice: Our AWH customer advisors are at your side and will prepare a customized offer or order for you.

  • Expanded product range: The option of special orders opens up a wider range of available products to best meet your individual needs.


Take advantage of our first-class special orders. Procure the special items you need and benefit from personal advice and an extended product range.
