AWH representation in the Netherlands strengthened | 12-04-2024
vytvořil: Sabrina

AWH representation in the Netherlands strengthened
AWH is pleased to welcome Ferdinand van der Linden as its new sales and site manager for the Netherlands.
Ferdinand van der Linden brings years of expertise in the food and pharmaceutical industries. His focus is on high-quality stainless steel products, including cleaning spray nozzles, which are essential for efficient and hygienic production in these industries.
He will lead AWH’s representative office in Middelharnis (NL) and work closely with colleagues Natalie Mijnders-Breure and Janneke Westerhout-Zandee to further strengthen AWH’s market presence in the Netherlands and provide optimal service to customers.
Ferdinand van der Linden on joining AWH:
"AWH is a well-known name in the market for high-quality components for the food and pharmaceutical sectors," he said. After my first conversations with Hötensleben, I immediately felt a connection and it just all fitted.
With over 165 years of experience and as part of the NEUMO Ehrenberg Group, AWH has created a solid foundation on which Mr. van der Linden will build his future work. His goal is to find innovative solutions to the challenges of the industry and optimally meet customer needs.
The entire AWH team wishes Ferdinand van der Linden every success in his new role and looks forward to a successful cooperation!