Decentralized vaccination day on June 3, 2021 at AWH | 06-04-2021

vytvořil: Sabrina

Decentralized vaccination day on June 3, 2021 at the Armaturenwerk Hötensleben

On the initiative of District Administrator (Börde County) Martin Stichnoth, a video conference was held at the end of April with structure-determining companies to agree on decentralized vaccination days for the Börde County. Also the managing director of the Armaturenwerk Hötensleben, Thomas Erhorn, participated in the digital coordination round. In addition, other companies in and around Hötensleben. The agreed goal after the conclusion of the conference was to subject the company first aiders at the sites to COVID-19 vaccination. First aiders in companies are employees who provide first aid in the event of an accident at work, for example. They care for the injured until the rescue service or emergency physician takes over.

Consequently, about 120 first aiders of the AWH and surrounding companies were vaccinated for the first time on June 3, 2021 at Armaturenwerk Hötensleben. District Administrator Martin Stichnoth and the mayor of the municipality Frank Frenkel were also present at the opening and informed themselves about the procedure, which is a small step towards the nationwide immunization of the population. District Administrator Martin Stichnoth as well as Frank Frenkel thanked Managing Director Thomas Erhorn and the helpers involved for the great organization and implementation of the vaccination campaign.