New: 3D interaction product recovery technology | 12-06-2024

vytvořil: Sabrina

New: 3D interaction product recovery technology
AWH strengthens its digital service offering: an interactive 3D application for the product recovery technology is now available on our website. This innovative tool enables users to explore the construction of a complete product recovery system with all components as well as the process and function of the newt in a three-dimensional and interactive way.
More than just an overview
The application provides a vivid visual explanation of all the steps of the pig process, from the introduction of the pig to the effective cleaning of the pipeline. Of particular note is that the core benefits of the product recovery system are presented clearly and comprehensibly. This facilitates the assessment of how the product recovery technology can be optimally integrated into existing facilities
Your advantages at a glance:
Maximum transparency: Explore the product recovery system in 3D in detail
Efficient planning: Use visual representation to better understand how it works and adapt it to your needs.
Optimized decision support: Experience first-hand the benefits of product recovery system, such as resource conservation, cost efficiency and improved cleaning.
This new 3D interaction application is another step to support our customers with modern, digital solutions. See for yourself and experience 3D technology in a completely new way! Visit the AWH website and test the tool today.