New standards in connection and hygiene technology | 07-03-2024

New standards in connection and hygiene technology | 07-03-2024

In hygienically sensitive industries such as the food and pharmaceutical industry, safe, reliable and hygienic connections are of the utmost importance. However, improper compression of conventional flanged connections can lead to leaks, complicated cleaning processes and increased maintenance costs. These challenges are particularly present in tank connections and pipelines. Our solution: The AWH Connect 11864 block flange

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Tradition meets future: 165 years AWH | 05-30-2024

Tradition meets future: 165 years AWH | 05-30-2024

In year, 1859, Gottfried Riemann laid the foundation stone for our traditional history in Hötensleben. What once started as a small workshop quickly developed into an important valve factory that became known far beyond the borders of Germany. In this 165-year history, we have reached numerous milestones, including the expansion into several European countries and the launch of our AWH online shop with over 20,000 articles.

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AWH clamp brackets: The safe future of detachable hygienic connections | 05-15-2024

AWH clamp brackets: The safe future of detachable hygienic connections | 05-15-2024

The clamp connection is one of the most frequently used detachable connections in the world. Our newly developed AWH component-tested clamp already meets the latest standards and offers maximum safety and reliability. Find out how we use innovative materials and design to make everyday handling easier and increase safety when dealing with pressurized components.

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